

Do you edit the photos?

Yes! All of the images you receive will be edited for color correctness and consistency.


Can I edit the photos?

No, we retain the copyright to all images. The images you receive are for personal use, but to keep consistency in our photography style, we ask that you refrain from using Instagram filters, scanning digital images, downloading and printing from Facebook and other sources, screen shots, and any other manipulation (including editing) or changes to exposure (darker/brighter) that is not done by permission. If for any reason, you would like something edited further or changed to black and white, do not hesitate to ask us. All edits and retouching work is done by Juicebeats Photography to ensure that our light and airy style is represented as best as it can be.


 Do you sell prints?

Yes, we do! Prints leave a legacy and we encourage everyone to print their photos. When you receive your gallery from us, you will be able to print your photos from the gallery, or you can download the full resolution to print elsewhere. We also offer albums and are happy to provide more information upon request.


Do you work from a shot list/Pinterest board?

Pinterest is a great resource for ideas and inspiration for your wedding, but as far as shot lists go, we have our own style and brand, and we can be more creative and imaginative at your wedding without looking through a list of poses. Every wedding is different, and we will capture those special moments that unfold throughout the day. We do like to discuss your specific needs for family photos though. Always let us know if there is a must-have shot! 


Why should we hire you?

When searching for a photographer, there are several factors to consider: 1)Do you like their images and style, and what specifically do you like about their photos? 2)Do you like what they offer as part of their packages/collections? 3)Have you heard good things about them from a referral source or through reviews? 4) How does their pricing work in your budget? We consider ourselves fine art photographers, and we like to carefully curate timeless images. Rather than snapping away, we capture the meaningful and candid moments that truly make up your special day.  Through our experience and preparation, we help make your big day more relaxing and enjoyable.




We will answer all your questions