Photography Jason Messing Photography Jason Messing

How to Photograph Art & Lighting Techniques

Hello friends and photography enthusiasts,

This past week I was asked to photograph some paintings for a friend. This would be my first experience with art photography, but I already knew that I would need a good lighting set up to do it. Luckily my uncle, Michael Messing of Michael Messing Photography, was available to help with the lighting set up. We used 2 strobe lights set up at a 45 degree angle from the paintings with the camera placed in the center.

Diagrams of the set up:

To make sure we had the correct amount of light hitting the paintings, we tested each corner of the painting to see if the light was evenly hitting the picture. The light meter showed us what aperture to set the camera to for best results.

Michael checking the light meter

Setup: For these shots of the paintings we used the sync speed of my camera to the flash which was 1/200 shutter speed. The aperture was set at f10 and ISO at 100 for best results without introducing digital noise. My camera, the Nikon D610 with the 24-70mm f2.8 was zoomed all the way to 70mm to flatten the image as much as possible. You could even go higher using a 70-200mm lens to further the flattening.

View of the camera angle

When creating digital prints of paintings, you want them to to look exactly like the originals with no glare from the flash, and the color has to be on point.White balance is key! I shot in RAW format so I could make any changes necessary later if needed, but if I was shooting in JPEG format, I would have to make sure that everything was exact. Before taking the first shot, I used my white balance cards and had Michael hold them up in front if the painting.

I took a test shot of the cards in the frame, so I could use this shot later to correct white balance in Lightroom when cropping the paintings and correcting the color.

Once we had everything where we needed it, it was time to take the photos of the paintings. Every shot was framed so that the focus point was in the middle of the picture with little surrounding area. The way to do this is to keep the lens zoomed in but move the Tripod forward or backward depending on how much you are trying to take out. This makes it so that you will not have much cropping to do later on. 

Here are a few examples of Maria Walker's Art. If you like her work and would like to purchase a print copy of the art, please leave a comment below, and I will get you in touch with her.


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Video Production Jason Messing Video Production Jason Messing

Video Production

Recently I have been producing some short films about travel and special events. I was finally able to get some of the equipment needed to produce these kind of films, and many of you have reached out to me to tell me how much you enjoyed them. I really appreciate the support for my passion. I wanted you all to know that I am offering this service to anyone who is interested in a short film such as these:

Went to one of my best friends dad's 70th birthday party. I decided to shoot a short film about the fun time we had. I put together a compilation of the whole night to music (The Wanted - We Own the Night). Hope you enjoy! Comments and Likes welcome! Tech Specs: Sony NEX 5, 50mm Nikon E-series f1.8 lens. Sunset profile: Contrast and Saturation -3, Sharpness -2. WB cloudy. Overall created a golden tone. Premier Pro for editing, used Film Burns and gorilla grain as effects to create the film look. Also added some Mojo for subtle color grading. Let me know what you think.

The is a short Documentary film on my trip to the University of North Alabama my Alma Mater. My family and I went back to UNA for the Homecoming game vs. West Georgia. I shot the video using the Sony NEX 5 with the 18-55mm kit lens. I used several different settings to get the video to look more like cinema grade film. Sony NEX 5 Sunset profile, cloudy WB, manuel focus. Originally shot in 1080 60p because I thought I may use true slow motion at some point. I only used slow motion for 1 clip. Used Premiere Pro for editing, and Mojo for very subtle color correction. Music: Imagine Dragons - On Top of The World

My email is

Video Production Techniques:

I am using the Sony NEX 5 system to film these events. These compact cameras pack a punch with their APS-C CMOS sensors. They are able to shoot in full 1080 HD. Here are the format specs below:

Sony NEX-5N Video Options

AVCHD Format (MPEG-4 AVC/H.264 High Profile, .MTS files)


Frame Rate

Average Bit Rate

1,920 x 1,080
(16:9 aspect ratio)

NTSC: 60 fps (progressive)
PAL: 50 fps (progressive)

28 Mbps

NTSC: 60 fps (interlaced)
PAL: 50 fps (interlaced)

24 Mbps

17 Mbps

NTSC: 24 fps (progressive)
PAL: 25 fps (progressive)

24 Mbps

17 Mbps

MPEG-4 Format (MPEG-4 AVC/H.264 Main Profile, .MP4 files)

1,440 x 1,080
(16:9 aspect ratio)

NTSC: 30 fps (progressive)
PAL: 25 fps (progressive)

12 Mbps

640 x 480
(4:3 aspect ratio)

30 fps (progressive)

3 Mbps

I use several different techniques to get the video to look more like film when editing. I am currently using Premiere Pro for editing because the I think the workflow is much faster and it can be used with After Effects and Photoshop easier than other programs. After cutting the clips, color correcting, and putting them together on the timeline, I will render out the video to its full length so I can work with the full file when color grading and adding my film effects. Using a new sequence, i will use neat video to de-noise the video and get a cleaner look, then add gorilla grain to get that film grain look. Also will do some color grading to set the overall mood for the film. Once I have all my film grading done, I will check for anything that may need to be changed or see if anything will need to be added. This is just an example of my workflow. It could vary from project to project, but its a basic sample of what I do before I render out the finished product.

Leave questions or comments. Let me know your workflow on your video projects.


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Video Production Jason Messing Video Production Jason Messing

Video Shoot Day


The many challenges of shooting a music video:

The new video “Brother in the Brooks” has been a long time in the making.  The song was made last year before I had a camera and at a time when I was mostly just working on music. We knew we wanted to make a video for the song, but it has taken this long to get something together.  Little did we know that it would be so tough.

Planning for the video has been tough mostly because we needed a place to shoot and a time where everyone involved could make it. For 2 weeks I sent emails with possible scripts and ideas and always had in my mind that we would try to shoot at the actual Brooks Brothers store. Saturday came, the day of the video shoot. I had a couple friends that lined up some girls to shoot in the video, and everyone else was going to be ready by 2pm. There were a few problems though. BT, the original creator for the concept of the song, and he has been unavailable. Jake, who is also part of the chorus of the song, said he could write a verse and put it together before the shoot started. So at 8 in the morning on Saturday, I text Jake to come over and get in the studio. We knocked Jake's verse out in about an hour. I put together a soft mix of the song so we would have it while shooting the video. I got all my equipment together and clothes for the shoot and headed for the mall to scout places to shoot. The first place I looked for was, of course, Brooks Brothers because that is what the song is loosely based on. Little did I know that Brooks Brothers is no longer in the mall and has been gone since February. Shows how much I go to the mall. So plan A didn’t work. The next spot I checked out was Dillard’s. The place where we would have shot was a little too small for all the people we needed to be in there at once. I walked around the mall a bit and asked a few stores about shooting, but all of them couldn’t let us without corporate approval. I thought about just setting up somewhere and starting until someone said something, but I was afraid we would get stopped right in the middle of something good and never get that shot again. I walked into JCP second floor and saw one of my old preschool teachers working the counter. We talked a bit to catch up, and then I told her why I was walking around the mall with a backpack on. She said, "I don’t think that would be a problem; let me check with our manager." I thought this may be it right here. We finally have a good spot to shoot this video. When the manager came out though, he said he wasn’t the right person to talk to about it. They need higher approval. They took my name and number and said they would call me and let me know if I could. I was hoping that this would be it, and we would be able to shoot. I went to lunch with Evan and my wife. Evan had met up with me early to go over video shoot plans and scouting a few places. I told him about JCP maybe letting us in, and I was just waiting on the call. After lunch, we went back to JCP to see what the verdict was. They said there was no way we could do it. Back to the drawing board. Evan suggested we check out Belk. We walked into the men’s Belk to the suit section where they had the prefect area to shoot the video. I talked to one of the attendants, and he said sure you guys can shoot no problem. At this point I was ecstatic. Finally, a place to shoot. Now, we just need everyone to show up. By this time it was around 2 or 2:30pm. Jake had metsuup with us, and Marc was on the way.  Evan was working on times for the girls to show up eearlier in the day. The 2 girls he had for the shoot decided to back out at the last minute, so he was working on 2 more that would show up for us. I told him to just get whoever was willing to help us out. Evan and I went out to the car to get the other pieces of equipment and brought it back into the store. When we got to the dressing room, there was a new attendant there. He said the “management” called down and asked why there were so many people there. It was only 4 of us at that point, hardly that many people. Then he said that there was absolutely no way they could do it now. So plan A, B, and C for the shoot were out of the question.  Scratching our heads, we headed quickly to the car. Not only did we still have to find a place, but we had to get everyone out there too. Evan secured a couple girls that would come and be in the video, and I remembered I had a friend at a suit store. We quickly went to the suit store. I talked to my friend who was the manager. He said, "No problem!" We’re back in business!! I quickly got the word out to everyone that we would be shooting there.  Around 4pm, we finally got to start shooting some footage. It only tooks us about 2 and half hours to get what we needed to shoot done. By the end of the shoot, I was exhausted from everything we had to go through for the day.  I think we got a good chunk of the footage we need for the video though. Wednesday is set for the next shoot. We shouldn’t run into the same problems again this time.

More to come...


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