Heather and PJ Engagement Shoot
Hello friends. Juicebeats here.
I am so excited to share with you this Knoxville couple's engagement photos. Saturday, May 31st, I was able to photograph Heather and PJ for their engagement. Heather and PJ have been friends of mine for several years now, and I was excited by the opportunity to photograph them. They are such a great couple, and you can tell that they are so in love.
We decided to do their photo shoot at Volunteer Landing Marina in order to take some beautiful and unique shots at one of Knoxville's most interesting sites. By visiting the marina's bridges, docks, trails, and railroad tracks, we were able to capture some sweet moments.
Heather and PJ are to be wed this December in Cancun, Mexico, and I am looking forward to traveling with them to celebrate their special day.
Sweet 16 Photo Session with Cami
Hello friends and photography lovers.
Juicebeats here, and yesterday I had the pleasure of working with a beautiful soon to be 16 year old Cami. Our photo session was at the Springbrook park in Alcoa, Tennessee. Cami wore an off white dress with a jean jacket and cowboy boots. Megan Kiphart assisted me on the shoot. Cami was a bit shy in the beginning of the session, so I had to do something to make her a feel a bit more comfortable. Hmm...Why not wear the tiara I brought for her to wear in some the pictures?
That got some great smiles out of her.
Cami under the tree
Springbrook Park is wide open but has some visually interesting spots for photography. There is a part in the park with a bamboo forest.
Cami in the Bamboo forest
The park also features a fountain, duck pond, and lots of trees and shaded areas.
Cami by the Fountain
Cami liked those parts, but I think her favorite part was when she got to blow sweet 16 confetti at me. She got a real kick out of doing that and even threw some at me too.
Cami blowing sweet 16 confetti
Here comes the confetti
I loved working with Cami, and it was great to see her feel more comfortable as the photo session went on; this made for some great candid moments. We had a lot of fun in the park. Enjoy these photos for Cami's sweet sixteen.
If you would like to book a photo session feel free to contact me by email juicebeats1@gmail.com or you can use my contact page.
What an Incredible Weekend
Hello friends. Juicebeats here.
I wanted to give you some updates on what went on this past weekend. First, Friday night after work we went over to my in-laws house to see Jaden's Nana and Pops, aunt and uncle, and cousin. We ate hot dogs and hamburgers and played card games. This has become our Friday night ritual lately since having Jaden.
The games get a little long when we start trying to play with Jaden instead of paying attention to the game.
It's been a crazy 6 weeks so far. Seems like he is growing so fast. We have been so blessed to have everyone wish us well, and we've had some friends and family come to visit Jaden for a little while.
Saturday was a fun day too. We had a celebration dinner for one of my best friends, Daniel Wohl. His 30th Birthday was actually on Sunday, but we celebrated Saturday with huge slabs of filet and some awesome food. Daniel and a few others decided they would see if they could still climb the climbing wall with planks too. Daniel actually did very well and made it 3/4 the way up. Check out the gallery of pictures below.
Sunday morning I had another art photography session where I converted Maria Walker's paintings into digital copies. Check out her paintings and contact me below in the comments or send an email to let me know if you would like to purchase any of her art.
Coincidentally, Daniel's birthday also falls on our anniversary which we celebrated on Sunday. We spent the day hanging out with Jaden napping, and taking our first walk as a family around the neighborhood.
Staci and I had our first date night since Jaden was born at the Melting Pot in downtown Knoxville. We ate a 4 course meal consisting of cheese fondue, caesar salads, land and sea entries, and a dark chocolate marshmallow and Oreo fondue for dessert. We finished the night by also taking a bite of our wedding cake.
All in all, it was a great weekend of celebrations and time spent with family and friends.
Don't forget to contact Juicebeats Productions for all of your photography needs.
Juicebeats1@gmail.com or you can use the contact link at the top of my webpage.
Thank you,
Bonfire with Friends
Last night I had the chance to hang out with a few of my friends. We grilled out and made a bonfire. We cooked steak and BBQ chicken, but little did I know that after 2 hours on the grill the chicken was still under cooked. Good thing I didn't eat too much of it before realizing it was still raw. It was nice to get out of the house after being cooped up for the last month since the birth of baby Jaden. I took my camera (of course) and took some long exposure photography. Here are some of the pictures I took from last night.
Juicebeats Updates
It's been a little while since I have been able to write a blog entry. I am sorry to my loyal fans that haven't heard from me recently. If you haven't seen some of the updates from my facebook, my wife and I are expecting our first child. Jaden's due date is March 11.
In the past few months, I have been working on new music from Jonny D, Quentin Turner, and Coach Stowers.
I have also been doing a lot of photography: portraits, landscapes, and lifestyle.
I recently finished a new music video by Coach Stowers "Extra Chances," a promotional video for Petrone Training, various highlight reels for high school athletes, acting reels for up and coming actors, and short films about my life and other special events.
I also produced a radio commercial that will be played during the first few weeks of February for the rapper K Camp coming to Knoxville for a concert on February 14th. Whewww... I know it's a lot along with my full time job. I keep myself busy, so I guess you can see why it's been hard for me to write as much as I was last year. I am also still working on my documentary of my grandparents story from the Holocaust. I am currently looking for any pictures from the war that I can add to my film. If you would like to donate any copies of pictures from that time please contact me at
or you can got to my contact page and submit through there.